Monday, 30 April 2012

Object Orientation

Object Orientation (OO) or Object Oriented Programming is a PROBLEM-SOLVING method in which the software solution reflects Objects in Real World

A section of source Code that contains Data and Provides services into a single Unit.
Data forms the Attributes.
Services are known as methods. Typically methods operate upon Private data (attributes or the state of the object), which is only visible to the methods of the class
Attributes cant be changed directly by the user, but by the methods of the class.

The Implementation of object is encapsulated that is invisible outside the object itself.

Identically named methods behave differently in different classes, i.e the implementation of the method is specific to a particular class.

A new class can be derived from an existing class. The new class is a child class and the existing class is a parent class. The new class or the derived class inherit the data and methods of the super class, However we can overwrite the inherited methods using Redefinition.

Uses of Object Orientation

  • Complex Software systems become easier to understand
  • Polymorphism and Inheritance allow you to reuse individual components
  • In an object oriented system the amount of work involved in revising and maintaining the system is reduced, since many problems can be detected and corrected in the design Phase
ABAP Objects
 It is a new concept in R/3 Release 4.0
The term has 2 meanings, It stands for the entire ABAP Runtime and also represents the Object oriented extension of ABAP Language

Structure of a Class
The following statements define the structure of a Class

  • A class contains Components
  • Each component is assigned to a visibility Section
  • Classes implements Methods
Components of a Class
There are 2 kinds of components in a class- those that exist separately for each object in the class and those that exist only once for the whole class, regardless of the number of instances. Instance specific components are known as Instance components. Components that are not instance-specific are called Static Components

Customization of Business Partner --Sales Area Data

Customize Customer group 4 in sales data tab with values ISO and Non-ISO Certified.
Path: IMG-->CRM-->Master Data-->Business Partners-->Define Attributes-->Define Customer Groups

  1. Double Click on Define Customer Group 4
  2. Click on New Entries & Maintain the Following
  3. ZIS ISO Certified
  4. ZNI Non-ISO Certified
  5. Save & Exit.
Try to Create a new BP , Go to sales area Tab Under Sales Area Section and Check the new values in the field Customer Group4

Customization of Business Partner Relationship

Task:-  Add a New Department 'Training Department' for the Relationship Category "Has Contact Person"
 Path: IMG-->Cross Application Components--> SAP Business Partner--> BP Relationship-->Contact Person-->Define Departments

  • Click on New Entries & Maintain  ID (ZTD) and description (Training Department).
  • Save & Exit
Try to maintain a Contact Person and Check the Department

Customizations -Business Partner General Data

Main Path:- IMG-->Cross Applications-->SAP Business Partner-->Business Partner-->Basic Settings

Task 1:- Create a new role Marketing manager for the BP Category 'Person' and hide the standard role Employee

Step1:- Creating a New Role
Path:-Main Path-->Business Partner Roles-->Define BP Roles
  •  Select the  standard role Employee
  • Click on Copy Button and maintain ID (ZMM), Description/Tittle (Marketing Manager).
  • Press Enter
  • Select Copy All
  • Continue

Step2:- Hiding the standard role Employee
  • Select the role Employee & go to Properties
  • Check the Hide Check Box
  • Save & Exit.
Try to Create a new BP, Category person with a new role.

Task 2:- Define a Grouping with an internal number range
Path: Main Path--> Number Ranges and Grouping
Step1:- Define Number Ranges
  • Click on Insert Interval Button ( For new interval)
  • Maintain an ID and Free Interval ( Select 'Ext' Check box for External No: Ranges)
  • Click on Insert, Save & Exit
Step2:- Define Grouping and assign Number Ranges
  • Click on New Entries
  • Enter an ID, Description for the Grouping and assign new Number Range which is created in step1
  • Save & Exit
Create a new BP with the new Grouping

Task 3:- Define a New ID type for maintaining driving license number for the BP Category Person
Path:- Main Path-->Identification Numbers

Step1:- Define Identification Categories
  • Click on Continue
  • Click on New Entries and Maintain an ID (ZCDL)
  • Maintain Description (Cat for Driving License) 
  • Save & Exit
Step2:- Define Identification Types
  • Click on New Entries
  • Maintain an ID (ZDL) & Description (Driving License).
  • Assign ID Category (ZCDL) which is created in step1.
  • Select the Check Box Person
  • Save & Exit
Check for new ID  type under Identification Data Tab of BP-Person.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Creation of Business partner (category Organization) with the role sold-to-party and maintain a relation ship with a contact person


  1. Execute the Transaction code 'BP'.
  2. Click on the button 'Organization'.
  3. Select Role (sold-to-party).
  4. Maintain the general data like Title (Company), Name, Address etc.
  5. Go to sales area data and Maintain sales area and other data like customer groups, currency etc.
  6. Click Relationship Category 'Has Contact Person'.
  7. Maintain 'ID' of the contact person created in the previous exercise in the BP filed
  8. Press 'Enter' and maintain other information like Department
  9. Go to General Data & select the Grouping (Internal Number Assignment)
  10. Save  & Make a note of 'ID' generated.
  11. Exit
Note: For all base Customizations start Web Ui  with Sales Role.
Path: Account Management--Create Corporate Account/Individual Account

Account Management/ Business Partner

Business Partner: An Entity which participates in a business is called Business Partner.
Categories of Business Partner

  1. Person ( An Individual)
  2. Organization (Company/ Corporate)
  3. Group (Two or more Individuals)
Roles of a business partner:

  1. Sold-to-party----A person or a Company which places an order.
  2. Ship-to-party----A Business partner to whom the products are delivered.
  3. Bill-to-party-----A Business partner on whose name the Invoice is prepared.
  4. Payer----------- A Business partner who actually pays the bill amount.
  5. Contact Person--Point of contact at customer place with whom the sales executive interacts about the sale.
  6. Employee----Employee is a Business Partner who is responsible for carrying out sales activities.
  7. Prospect----An Entity who is interested in buying products or services for the very first time.
Grouping: Grouping with number range is used for number assignments.
                  Number ranges are two types:
                     (i) Internal Number Range: System assigns the number automatically.
                     (ii) External  Number Range: User has to assign the number manually.

It is used for maintaining relationship between two Business Partners.

Creation of Business partner(category person) with the role contact person

  1. Execute the transaction 'BP'.
  2. Click on the button 'Create Person'.
  3. Select the role 'Contact Person'.
  4. Maintain Necessary data like Title, First Name, Last Name, Address etc .
  5. Save & (Make a note of the ID).
  6. Exit